Register a new account


Registration Process

  1. Register your new account:
    Fill in the form on this page, make sure all required fields are completed, and hit the Register button.
  2. Check your email and confirm your email address:
    After registering your account an email will be sent to the email address you entered. Please check your inbox (and junk folder) for an email from Click on the link in the email or paste the URL into your browser to verify that your email address is valid.
  3. Your contractor's license will be verified (if applicable)
    We will verify your contractor's license (typically takes 1-2 business days). Once the verification is complete you will be notified by email.
  4. Complete:
    You will now be allowed to download secured documents including plans and addendums.


Looks complicated? Don't worry and check out our helpful resources below.

- Quick answers to most common questions

How to register - A detailed run through of registration


By registering for a WCSD Solicitations account you are agreeing to receive email notifications regarding solicitations regularly.
These email notifications will inform you of new solicitation opportunities as well as updates to projects that you expressed interest in.